Donate to Wheat Ridge Feeding the Future Program

To donate any amount by credit card, click the “donate” button below.

To donate by check, please make it payable to Community Table, note on the check that the donation is for Wheat Ridge Feeding the Future and mail it to Community Table, 8555 West 57th Avenue, Arvada, CO 80002.

A donation of $120 covers the cost of a child for the entire school year!

About Feeding the Future

Since 2006, Community Table has provided hundreds of thousands of weekend meals for hungry schoolchildren. Hundreds of volunteers give their time each week to gather, pack and distribute weekend food sacks to students and stock emergency food pantries at participating schools and Head Start programs. Feeding the Future also serves area high schools and community colleges, providing ready-to-eat meals, snacks and toiletries to homeless teens. Kids who eat well miss less school, get better grades and are more likely to graduate.

Last school year, Feeding the Future distributed nearly 25,000 weekend sacks and nearly 50,000 pounds of healthy, nourishing food to hundreds of schoolchildren and teens in need. The program now operates year-round and provides food to kids participating in Jefferson County’s Summer of Early Learning program.

The Feeding the Future program is in full swing when school is in session. Each week, we distribute sacks of food to hundreds of children and homeless teens at dozens of schools in our community. Each sack contains healthy foods—cereal, milk, juice, fresh fruit, peanut butter and jelly pouches and protein snacks—that help sustain a child through the weekend.

With recent program changes to provide more “kid-centric” foods and to make sacks lighter to carry home, along with Federal budget cuts and changes to food distribution programs, Community Table’s costs to provide nutritional assistance to schoolchildren have increased significantly. While we use donated food whenever possible to ensure that students receive nutritious food each week, we often need to purchase specific kid-friendly items even a kindergartner can carry home and prepare themselves. Your support makes this program possible.